
比尔蒙迪商学院感谢其顾问委员会的支持. 通过会员的努力和持续的贡献, 我们学校已经能够实现学术卓越和诚信的愿景.

Claire England

GPG Ventures投资合伙人  

一位经验丰富的投资者和高管, Claire England是GPG Ventures的投资合伙人, 一家医疗保健风险投资公司,在全国拥有100多家投资组合公司. GPG开启了4美元的风险投资机会.3 trillion U.S. 面向家族办公室和个人的医疗保健市场, 谁和公司的合伙人一起直接投资公司. 该公司建立在60多年的医疗保健基础上, operational, 在达拉斯拥有广泛的辛迪加投资者网络和办事处, Houston, and Austin.

除了GPG,她还是两家投资组合基金Food的合伙人 & AgTech and FemTech I, where she made 22 investments, 还是一家影响力投资咨询公司的合伙人, LOHAS. She's also a Kauffman Fellow, 一个领先的创新研究生项目和880多家基于价值的风险投资和有限合伙人的全球网络, 也是Private Equity Women Investor Network的成员, or PEWIN.

Previously, Claire grew a Texas LP network, Central Texas Angel Network, into a nationally recognized early stage investing community with 200 individual and family office investors and the #1 ranking in the U.S. Under her leadership, 有限合伙人在五年内向95家新创业公司和数十家投资组合公司投入了7500万美元, 同时远远超过风险投资的平均回报率.

Prior to that, she directed a large-scale founder and investor conference that was pivotal to evolving Austin’s entrepreneur ecosystem into what it is today. She developed her passion for entrepreneurship as the first full-time employee of a social media services startup. Before startups, 她花了十年时间领导市场营销, communications, 以及非营利部门的筹款.

克莱尔有丰富的公开演讲经验, is a skilled panel moderator, 并曾作为客座讲师在大学商学院教授本科和研究生课程. She graduated college with honors and Dean's List recognition and was a national journalism honor society inductee.

She serves on St. 爱德华大学(Edward’s University)商学院顾问委员会,并在加速器为创始人提供指导, 包括Capital Factory和Techstars. Claire’s work has been recognized with the Kauffman Fellows Leadership Award and Austin Business Journal’s Profiles in Power Finalist Award.

Chris Ragland, 05届工商管理硕士,2010届工商管理硕士

CEO of Ragland Capital

For over twenty years Chris has served as a partner or principal in dozens of companies providing various levels of leadership and support. He possesses a diverse set of strategic management skills and continues to sharpen and demonstrate his uncanny ability to successfully grow businesses through the creation of loyal teams, fanatic culture, 以及他周围人的个人成长.

Chris拥有广泛的行业经验,包括房地产, private equity and high-tech, among others. 除了国内事务, Chris possesses a background in international business having worked on several projects in Latin America, Europe, and Asia.

他曾与各种级别的企业合作,包括Adobe等企业客户, Bosch, BMW, and American Express, 本地拥有和经营的小企业. 他曾在资本市场担任领导职务, Operations, Finance, and Executive Office, 同时参与多项并购.

活跃于当地和全球社区, 克里斯为几十个以使命为导向的专业非营利组织做志愿者. 他曾担任许多组织的董事会成员或委员会成员,如奥斯汀芭蕾舞协会, The Trail Conservancy, Seton Cove, Soccer Assist, 美国私人贷款协会, and many others. 2019年,克里斯被任命为St. 他是爱德华大学的受托人之一, trustee, 以及对学生事务委员会的机构监督. In 2022 Chris was nominated and appointed to the Board of Directors for The Trail Conservancy where he serves on the Endowment Committee. 克里斯曾两次被提名为奥斯汀40岁以下40人奖,以表彰他对社区的贡献. 2019年,他被授予著名的年度成员奖, 由美国私人贷款协会提供, 感谢他对协会和

2020年,Chris实现了一生的梦想,创立了自己的“永远的公司”。, an alternative investment management company simply known as “Ragland” where he works closely with family offices and high net worth individuals on their capital deployment strategy in various markets, foreign and domestic. 2021年,Ragland推出了首只私人投资基金, 允许合格投资者参与与家族理财室相同的策略. Since that time, Ragland在包括房地产在内的各个领域增加了额外的产品, Aviation, Banking, Hospitality, 和国际私募股权.

Chris serves as the Americas Region lead consultant for the German based organizational development and management consultancy, Synnecta, 也是拉格兰控股有限责任公司的控股负责人, 他的家族投资公司在其投资组合中有二十多个权益.

克里斯拥有创业学士学位和全球创业MBA学位. Edward’s University in Austin, Texas, and is “all but dissertation” for the Doctoral program in Economics and Business from Universitat Jaume Primero in Castello, Spain.

Gregory Gibson Jr. ’09, MBA ’12

Founder & HBCU脑力之战的执行董事

格雷戈里在比尔蒙迪商学院获得了工商管理硕士和工商管理硕士学位. 在职业生涯早期,他曾在AMD和戴尔的企业技术部门工作. 对科技行业缺乏多样性感到沮丧, 他试图通过在高等教育领域工作和建立自己的非营利组织来改变现状. 

Gregory is the Founder & HBCU脑力之战的执行主任, 每年为hbcu举办的商业和技术邀请赛. Sixty HBCUs from around the country send their best and brightest to compete representing various areas – Business, Communications, Engineering, Mathematics, Marketing, Public Policy, Science, and Technology. 参赛队必须针对指定的问题提供全面的解决方案. HBCU Battle of the Brains has been wildly successful at highlighting diverse talent and creating opportunities for underserved students. 每年,大大小小的科技公司和商业公司都会来这里指导竞争对手, judge the competition, 为他们的企业招聘人才. He is expanding these opportunities to Hispanic serving institutions with the founding of HSI Battle of the Brains in 2020. 

2012年,Gregory创立了Dashingfoot, a brand strategy consulting firm that combines technological know-how with branding expertise to help their clients evolve from a logo to fully formed corporate identities. 2013年至2018年,他担任全国黑人MBA协会奥斯汀分会主席. 

格雷戈里在当地的HBCU休斯顿蒂洛森大学(houston - tillotson University)工作了四年. He participated on the advisory board for Huston-Tillotson’s School of Business and was an adjunct professor for small business management. He is passionate about developing business opportunities for members of underserved communities and about creating diversity within the technology sphere.

Kyle Ballarta, MBA '11

Founder & CEO, Falkon Ventures

Kyle是Falkon Ventures的创始人兼首席执行官, an innovative venture capital fund designed to catalyze innovation in the new entrepreneurial landscape for companies that have the mission to positively change industry and the world. Prior to Falkon Ventures, 凯尔是生命防护最初团队的一员, a San Diego-based consumer electronics company that grew its force from three people to over 250 employees on three continents in three years. LifeProof的快速增长使其在2013年被Otterbox成功收购.

他也是Syndicap的联合创始人, a venture capital network that is changing the attitude of the industry by incentivizing venture funds to collaborate across different stages and verticals to match the convergence of industry. Kyle’s creative curiosity and passion for collaboration that innovates drives him to work with initiatives in the impact space, including The Hispanic Alliance, A Reason to Survive, 安迪·罗迪克基金会和圣罗迪克大学比尔·蒙迪商学院. Edward’s University. His work with non-profits, foundations and social enterprises focuses on creating sustainable and scalable impact by implementing social enterprise models and pioneering new venture funding models.

Kevin Fincher

RSM US LLP税务和商业咨询合伙人

Kevin Fincher now leads the Austin Regional Manufacturers Association (ARMA) as its Chief Executive Officer, 用他丰富的经验来倡导, develop, 连接德州中部的制造业社区. 自2024年1月起担任该职务, Kevin与一个专门的团队合作,解决紧迫的行业挑战, 包括熟练劳动力短缺和监管影响, through advocacy, workforce development, and networking.

Kevin还在RSM US LLP担任税务和商业咨询合伙人超过7年, 在那里他负责奥斯汀办事处的技术和生命科学行业实践. 有超过20年的公共会计经验, 凯文的专长涉及公司税务, mergers and acquisitions, international tax structuring, and more, 将他定位为广泛的税务和行业主题的宝贵资源.

Kevin’s commitment to the community is further demonstrated through his founding involvement and ongoing service as Treasurer for ARMA. 他还担任亚利桑那大学奥斯汀分校校友分会主席, 展示了他对专业和社区参与的奉献精神.

Holding dual BSBAs in Accounting and Finance from the University of Arizona and licensed as a Certified Public Accountant in Arizona and Texas, Kevin is a distinguished member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and the Texas Society of Certified Public Accountants.

Paul Gerling, MBA '98


担任美国商业银行技术和生命科学部的高级副总裁, Paul is responsible for the technology lending practices and portfolio management for the central and south Texas regions. 保罗在德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校获得金融学士学位,并在St. Edward’s University.

Paul Munguia '08

Advisor, Fleeting

有丰富的操作经验, finance, and growth strategy, 保罗是早期创业者和企业主的宝贵顾问. 他致力于与不同阶段和规模的公司合作, 专注于简化挑战, enhancing operations, 制定一条清晰的增长道路.

保罗以能够提供深入问题核心的见解而闻名, 确保为未来的成功打下坚实的基础. His commitment to practical solutions and strategic development makes him an indispensable asset to our board and the broader community we serve.

Ruoyun Xu Killian ’13


Ruoyun Xu Killian, 以人为本的商业顾问和演讲者, 是否肩负着将人类体验重新带入营销和商业的使命. For the last 15+ years, Ruoyun has advised brands to get out of the marketing fluff and back into building relationships and impact in their communities. 她认为,通过使我们做生意的方式人性化,反过来,社会也可以向人性倾斜. 

她喜欢在品牌持续扩张的过程中为它们解决难题. 她帮助创建了BigCommerce等品牌的可持续营销系统, Serenity Kids, Slow North, 德克萨斯大学体育传播与媒体中心 & 另一些则是通过她的个人工作和她在2015年创立的数字营销机构C3nami.

Her passion for empowering the humans behind the brand to be the human beings that they are has given Ruoyun a platform to speak at a variety of organizations and events including Bumble Bizz, St Edward’s University, University of Texas, Concordia University, ACC Fashion Incubator, 德克萨斯州商业女性会议, to name a few.